
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We need your prayers

We are facing a “roadblock” from the largest denomination that we do 80% of our ministry within Slovakia. We as the leadership have already meet with the three bishops to discuss this situation furthera and had great open disscusion but still there is much of accusation and lies being publicly addresed towards us.

We’ve been called by God to start a new ministry called EXIT, which will allow us to reach the entire nation for God through a television show that Josiah Venture created and used in the Czech Republic, successfully.

EXIT Ministry consists of three parts. The first is EXIT 316, a television show, which will be housed on an Internet social media platform that will discuss issues related to teenagers. In the show, they discuss a topic, like grace, invite a Slovak celebrity to share a story, show a music video also related to the topic, and in the end has a Slovak Christian leader share God’s truth about the topic.

This in turns allows youth groups to have small groups through the second part, EXIT Turbo. After watching the episode, youth groups can then lead a small group discussion with students that lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The last part is, EXIT Tour which invites an American Band like, Dizmas, to partner with local churches in one city, and allows them to enter the school to perform and offer preventative seminars like sex, drugs, Aids, etc. At the end of the week, the band provides a free concert where the Gospel is presented allowing the youth groups to follow up with the students and start small groups with them.

Our ministry team is focused on equipping youth leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission to reach this generation of Slovak youth that finds their home in the local church and transforms society.

Will you join us in praying for this important meeting? Pray specifically for both sides to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and focused on God’s will and desire for Slovakia. And most important that Gods kingdom would not suffer.

Thank you,

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