
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our HOUSE? Not yet.

Earlyer in the month we have told you that there is a possibility on buying the house. We have prayied we have fasted we have been asking, knocking, and searching and we see a path for us. The house that after so much looking and searching and asking we felt that God would bring something in our way without our looking. AND He did. Just after one week of us just praying and waiting a man from the church where we are moving in to, have invited a "Painter" man to paint the church interior building. As Slavo the pastor who is also my cousin have disscused life with him he mentioned that we have been looking for a place to live in and he replyied well "we are selling the house". Imediately we
contacted them and the place is so simple and nice and so much potential for the future that we felt in love with. We could see the garage being transformed in to little gymn as Oli and his friends spend time together or Zuzka do aerobic with the women. We could see the yard filled with the parents of these kids grilling and disscussing life with us. We could see nonbeliever teenagers involved with the Fusion ministry comming and asking life questions. We could see the living room with fireplace where we open the Word of God and where people comming to know Christ. We could see the house as the place for much of the creativity with our children but as the tool for our whole family to serve. God has encouraged us to step in faith in this with the word from Luke 11:9-10.

Yesterday we went there again and took Zuzka's dad to have look on it and as we where going there he said that we should contact his friend who is the city architect in retairement who is the christian, and then in the same church we found another man who's job is selling the houses. So here we were all 5 of us with the owner in that house. God has miracleously orchestrated all of that. After looking at the house, our peace was strengthen even more because the man who knew something more about the building then we do were positive and recommanding this to us. The contractor reacted: This is God's business. He even lowered the price on the house on our behalf so now it is 110.000 Eur (157.000.- $).

What is our next step? We need to figure out with the contractor some issues which might still affect whole proces on getting this house. But this should be done in few days.
Well but once the contract will be signed we need to start selling our flat and we pray to get around 80.000 Eur. And if that will be the amount we will need to get loan for the rest. It would be best if we didnt have to take loan from bank but instead get it from somebody but we do not know that "somebody" yet.
After we give all that money we can start doing some rebuilding. And for this we will need to ask people for help.

- So far we have 2 professional architects that will help to draw and create ideas.
- We have Zuzkas parents who will help with financies to exchange the windows - cca. 3.300 Eur (cca 5.000 $)
- My brother who bild the wooden houses will help manually to do most of the work around and in the house.

We still need few people to adopt this for us before we start living in that house:
- Kitchen (around 2500 Eur / 3500$)
- Bathroom 1 (around 2000 Eur / 2800 $)
- Guests Bathroom 2 (around 1600 Eur / 2300 $)
- Carpets
- Paint for the house inside (750 Eur/ 1000$)
- and most of all a lot of prayer.

And here are the photos

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