
Monday, July 19, 2010

The country I have lived for 17 years needs HELP.

Dragan Mitrovcan the director of National youth network (MREZA) has invited me to come to Serbia. He needs help with leading their youth workers conference. He told me that after 10 years of organizing it he has run out of strength and isnpiration and that my 5 years of experience could be well used in Serbia.
As you know I have came from this part of europe 11 years ago. So I still can speak the language and know some people who could be good influence in searching for all the youth leaders in this country.

- I am willing to help from Slovakia. Which will mean a lot of time on internet and skype. I also will only be able to help if the Lord allowe by providing the money.

Upcomming Ministry OPPORTUNITY:
- Dragan wants me to help him organize their next youth workers conference. This conference takes place in Serbia in the middle of December. I will need to go to visit Dragan for one week in August and one week before the conference. The conference lasts for 4 days.

400 $ for travels + 300$ for food and accomodation. And lots of prayer.

Oli at the childrens camp.

We have took our oldest Son Oliver (8) first time to the camp. This is christian camp. I believe he will gain a lot of great experiences and most of all we pray that he will have even stronger desire to folow and serve God.

Levice KECY camp

Few days ago I have visited Levice KECY team. 12 hours with them has been real joy. Standing over the city and praying with the team has made my heart very happy. I just felt very strong desire of these people to see new kids knowing Jesus. They have 24 unchurched kids. Together with US team and TCK team we will make great 60 people camp.
As you pray for us, pray for:
- openes of their hearts for Gospel
- pray for me as I will be speaking the Gospel on final night
- pray for the health
- pray for good weather

There is one more specific prayer topic:
- This church has lack of MAN LEADERS. Please pray that God would aweaken one strong man who will have desire to lead youth closer to God.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Visiting the Camps.

Summer is the time when we at TCK walk along side the churches by helping them run youth evangelistic camps. It is the time of influencing the local church to get out from building and evangelize, time to grow its leaders, time to find new workes with the passion, time to lead someone to christ, time to play a lot of sports, time to find new friends...
As I write there are 3 camps finishing their first term (Zilina, Liptovsky Hradok, Bratislava). I took my family to visit all 3 of them. On all 3 of these there are around 100 teenagers needing Christ. As the camp is finishing and goodbyes are said pray that each one of these teenagers would continue comming for camp clubs organized by the local church over the whole year.
On our 5 day trip we stayed at tent. To keep the cost down but also for the family experience. We build our tent in the yard of our neighbours (from Zilina) house in Tatra mountains. Through our stay we even celebrated her birthday. It was good fun as she has also 3 children and our kids know each other well. And I have to tell you a story of Viktor.
While we were bilding our tent their small boy (2) and Viktor (3) has decided to go for walk. This is small willage without any dangerous traffic but still there is a small river going through it and there is forest and mountains... well 15 minutes is long time if you can not find your child... but as I was running through the willage and been asking all of the people along my run I soon find that two little boys did walked this path. Very soon I saw them walking down the street with no fear and worrie. It was one of this moments when I just thanked God for protection and care over my family.