Geographic possition: Southwest Slovakia
area: 38, 71 km2
population: 17 289
schools: 10
number of young people: big number
first written reference: year 1252
GOD knew about this city long time before and in His sovereign plan He placed "His" people
so they would go and share the good news
We've spent this weekend /sept 20-21/ in a training mode. Yes, Fusion family is getting bigger. Senec is on board!!! There is a need for equipping, listening and encouraging. I believe that I can write on behalf of whole Fusion Slovakia that it's a pleasure for us to observe this team and their hearts. My strongest experience from yesterday was how we sought God's will and instead of praying for successful Fusion we prayed for the lost young generation in this city!
We worked hard, ate, sipped coffee, we were serious, we laughed.
We also took few students with us on this training and they helped with bringing real life stories connected with FUSION.
please continue to, pray together with us for
open doors
ready hearts